Thursday, August 22, 2013

The Challenge!

I have accepted the challenge of running in the St. Jude’s marathon on December 7th of this year; that’s right, a FULL marathon.  I decided to challenge myself to see if my body is as strong as my mind in accomplishing this journey.  I have run 2- half marathons but I have never pushed my body to the limit of running a full marathon, 26.2 miles!  I am asking YOU to join my journey by becoming a “Marathon Hero”.  Your support, cheering me on, will ensure the completion of this goal.  All I need you to do is click on this link,

provide your name and email address, then once a week I will send you an update on my progress towards the goal of completing the marathon!  On December 7th, I will forward you a video message after I cross the finish line.  Please become a “Marathon Hero” and share this blog and link with your friends and family so they can join the journey!  Will you help me reach my goal of having 1,000 Heroes cheering me on?

The training program I am completing is an 18 week program with 5 days of training every week.  I have broken down those 18 weeks into the 90 days of training and have planned out my daily activity for each workout.  I track my miles, time and the weather to see how my progress is going during the training program.  Each week I will send you a summary of my activity, sometimes this will be as a blog and other times I will send a video of the message.  One of the things about creating the “Marathon Heroes” I have now announced this intention to the world, so the pressure is on me to complete my goal of running the marathon!  Thanks again for signing up as a “Marathon Hero”.  If you haven’t clicked the link here it is again,

Remember please forward to your friends and family so I can reach my goal of having 1,000 Marathon Heroes on this journey with me! 

Thanks again for being part of this exciting time in my life!  I came up with this quote as my inspiration for the marathon:

“You can’t reach your destination, without first determining your journey”
                                                       ~ Gary Wilbers 8/13
Make it a GREAT day!
Gary Wilbers

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