Thursday, May 2, 2013


Let’s discuss the third Daily Action to Live By: 

“I am a person of Action.  I choose to seize the moment and I choose now!”

In the SAGE Leadership model we know that Action is what produces results in our life.  Action will be the key to reaching your dreams and goals.  That first step is the most challenging because we are visualizing what we want to accomplish and committing to ourselves to take Action.  Challenge yourself to take that first Action, whatever it might be.   Your action will create your habits and disciplines to make your dreams and goals possible.  Without action you will always say, “One day, I want to accomplish this or that!”

How can we use the 4 areas of the SAGE Leader to become the person of Action?
As you take Action and move forward toward your goal you will generate Energy.  When you set a goal and develop the discipline necessary it gives you the Energy to move forward.  The challenge you encounter will be making the discipline a habit.  For example, as you start to exercise you feel better about yourself, but you have to be aware of the negative influences around you.  You must develop the mindset of, I will achieve my goals.  Use the positive energy and dispose of the negative.
As you take action, create Connections that will help you achieve your goal.  Who can help you be accountable to the disciplines you have set in place?  When you have a trusted friend or associate holding you accountable you tend to stay on course.  I have a running partner and we hold each other accountable by running our long runs together as we train for a ½ marathon we are running.  Connecting with an accountability partner is the link to help you create action on your goals.  Who could be your Connecting link?
Have you ever noticed that a person’s circle of Influence grows when they take action on a project or goal? Your Influence grows as a leader when you are known by your peers as a person who gets things accomplished.  As we take action with our family and friends our Influence in those relationships grows because we impact their lives.
The best part is a leader who takes action gets Great Results in their lives.  As we learn how action affects our lives we create better results for ourselves and the others we impact along the way.  Results seem to be great because we are always moving forward in our life.
What action are you going to take today to move forward in your life?

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