Thursday, March 15, 2012

How do we find our direction in life?

Today, we are going to talk about our 7th action to live by: “I know where I want my life to go. I have chosen my path to follow daily.” I have found two principles that work for me. I am sure there are others that work but this will give you a foundation to start so you can follow the path you want for your life. As you will see in the next several actions, I will be sharing some of my beliefs in faith with you. By sharing my faith, I am telling you this is a commitment for me that helps’ me keep my direction in life. Yes, I fail at times but just like Jesus did I get back up and try again.

First, I meditate and ask God where he wants me to go? What direction do I need to follow? How can I fulfill what he has set out for me to accomplish on earth. I spend time in prayer and meditation to understand where I should be headed. I have to admit it is hard to follow God’s will and not my own will. Dedicate your work to be used for God’s purposes. Whatever you want God to bless, you give to him first. In a recent Rick Warren (Author, A Purpose Driven Life) devotional he defined how to dedicate your works with the word SUCCEED!

Start working enthusiastically.

Understand who you really work for.

Concentrate on building your character.

Care about the people you work with.

Exceed what is expected of you.

Expand your skills to SUCCEED at work.

Dedicate your work to be used for God’s purposes.

God wants you to succeed in life. He wants you to succeed spiritually, but he also wants you to succeed in your work. God wants each of us to be a witness at work. He wants us to use our platform for the glory of God.

The second method I use: I set GOALS! I coined a quote on goals that I think some up what goals are all about:

“Goals: Are like having your headlights on because you know where you are going.”

If you don’t create the roadmap to your success how will you reach the destination? Each year I take time to set goals for myself in areas like: Health, Spiritual, Relationships, Career, Education, Self and Family. This becomes my written plan to achieve the goals I set. It is vital that you write your goals down on paper. It is the commitment that will help you make it a reality. I also post my goals in a very visible place, so I see them every day. I have a ritual when I brush my teeth in the morning I review my goals to myself. It gives me a daily reminder on what my highest priorities are each and every day.

Have you decided where your life will be next week, next month, or next year? It’s your life, what are you waiting for? Take time to find your direction with God and then set some goals you still want to achieve in 2012? Do you realize we still have 9 plus months to make them a REALITY!

Have a GREAT day!

Gary Wilbers

1 comment:

  1. Gary,

    Another great blog. It is amazing how much easier and simpler work becomes when we concentrate on what God wants us to do.

    Jeff Raver
