Friday, December 21, 2012

Preparation for Success Part 2

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! We are in the most wonderful time of the year. (I think I have heard that before?) I hope you are able to enjoy these special moments with those who are the closest to you. My present to you is just one word, PRESENT! Remember to BE PRESENT in everything you do, enjoy this time with those you love the most.

As you remember from my last blog I talked about making 2013 YOUR BEST YEAR EVER! We reflected on 2012 and talked about the 5 steps or questions needed to help you craft your goals for 2013. Let’s review those 5 questions;

1. What did I accomplish?
2. What were my biggest disappointments?
3. What did I learn?
4. How do I limit myself? In which areas of my life am I not achieving what I want? What do I say about myself to explain these failures?
5. What are my personal values? Write a clarifying statement for each value.

So be honest, did you answer them? If not, take a moment and answer them, be PRESENT!

Now, let’s continue where that blog ended and finish the steps so you will be prepared to have YOUR BEST YEAR EVER! As we look at question 6, you need to ask: “What roles do I play?” Roles refer to father, leader, husband, friend etc. List all of the roles you can think of and then narrow your list to the top 7. Of those, rate yourself, your performance, from 1 to 10 on how well you are currently performing in that role. Next, identify the role that will be your major focus for 2013! As you finish, take an inventory of all the questions you have answered, and ask yourself this: What is the biggest impediment to my success and happiness right now? This will help you determine the answer to question 7: What should my Major Focus be for 2013? The answer may surprise you; it might not be what you originally thought! Now, that your roles have been established and prioritized you can move to question 8: What are my goals for each of the roles I have listed? Remember; write out all of your goals for each role and make sure they are SMART goals. (Specific, Measureable, Actionable, Realistic and Time bound) Goals are best when they start with a strong active verb. List more than one goal per role, you need to stretch yourself so find 3 goals per role. After you have listed all your goals, review and ask yourself if completed, would these help achieve YOUR BEST YEAR EVER? If you answered yes, then you know you are on the right path and ready for question 9: What are my top 10 goals for next year? Review your goals and prioritize them from 1 to 10.

You have now completed your goal list for 2013! Type or rewrite your goals and post them where you will see them every day. I have mine posted on the inside of my bathroom mirror and in the binder I carry with me every day. The last question you must answer for yourself is 10: How can I make sure I achieve them? This is crucial because you are confirming to yourself that you will accomplish your goals and establishing why it is important to you.

I wish you a Happy New Year and hope you make 2013 YOUR BEST YEAR EVER!

Gary Wilbers

“GOALS: Are like having your headlights on,
because you know where you are going.”

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