Tuesday, July 31, 2012

What is your most convincing characteristic?

In my last blog I spoke about two words we need to do every day in our lives: Think and Act. Today I am going to unveil to you the most convincing characteristic you can have as a person. SELF BELIEF! One of the first things we must do is believe in ourselves before we can become a success. We must find the belief that I can and will accomplish anything I set out to achieve. Success in anything is up to each one of us individually.

Self-belief is the thinking and acting on what we want to accomplish. It’s the conduit between your attitude and willpower to succeed. As you create what you want to accomplish you must feed that thought with positive reinforcement that you can accomplish, what you set out to achieve. Let me give you an example: I set a goal this year to run a full marathon. (Yes, that is 26.2 miles!) The last several months I have been thinking about how I was going to accomplish this goal. I will admit I just decided to register for the full marathon and now need to take action and register for the marathon. I need to complete my action on what I want to accomplish, I will then need to feed my attitude every day to create the willpower to succeed in my self-belief. Why? I have never run a full marathon so I need to have the self-belief in myself I can and will accomplish what I set out to achieve. I will admit by putting this in my blog it creates an accountability measure to myself by asking each of you to help me become accountable to my goal. So, anytime you see me, ask me how my training is progressing for my marathon. You noticed the words I used to stay positive? Ask me how my training is going? Not, are you still training for your marathon? Also, I have now claimed this marathon as MY marathon because it is MY goal.

Remember as you create your self-belief; make sure you do a complete self–evaluation. The key is you must believe in what you want to accomplish. Like any other goal it is vital you know you’re WHY you want to achieve the goal. Next time you see me ask me my WHY?

“Self-belief is the most convincing characteristic to others, and THE most convincing characteristic to yourself.”

-Jeffrey Gitomer

Have a GREAT day!


Friday, July 13, 2012

What are you thinking about?

“Think and act---two words of progress”   John Patterson

Today let’s talk about these two words from John Patterson:


In today’s fast paced society do we take time just to think? With all the messages we hear every day do we think about what they are telling us? Do we slow down enough to think how does it impact my life? If you are like most living human beings in the world today, thinking is not something we do. I want to give you some simple tips to bring thinking back into your daily life. These 10 practical steps will help you get more out of your life.

1. How do I want my day to go today?
2. What are my plans to make today successful?
3. What are my 3 positive focuses from yesterday?
4. What am I most grateful for today?
5. What are my 3 most important actions I must do today?
6. What did I read today to get my attitude in shape?
7. Did I feed my brain with a positive message today?
8. Did I exercise my body so it was in shape to think today?
9. What will I learn today to keep me current in my life?
10. Did I make someone else feel appreciated?

The second part of the quote was to ACT to create progress. The simple part is saying I am going to think about these questions every day. The hard part is actually ACTING on the questions. I would suggest every morning find a quiet place to read some spiritual message to get your mind in the calmness of time so you think about the following questions before you start your day. Then I would write down your answers to each question so your brain triggers you to act on each item throughout the day. At the end of the day review your list and see how many you acted on throughout the day. Thinking, like any other action, is a discipline. You decide your own outcome based on your desire and self-determination.

“THINK! Do it for a week.
The results will be so amazing; you’ll do it for a lifetime.”
Jeffrey Gitomer

Have a GREAT day!

P.S. If you would like a document you can print off with the 10 daily thinking questions send me an email back requesting: Ten Daily Thinking Questions.